Tuesday 22 November 2011

God’s Word

The Word of God
spoke the universe into being
not too loud, not too quiet
just what was needed
to create matter.

Spirit, outside time, watched
as stars and planets formed.
You chose an insignificant place,
you breathed and there was life.

Nurturing life,
rejoicing in diversity,
mothering to maturity,
you guided it to ripeness,

With the arrival of humankind
came sentience,
             free will.

Your love was so great,
you wanted love in return.
Only free choice can love.

Freewill brought brokenness,
                                  pain and joy,
                                  hate and love.
Brokenness brought Jesus
The Word that spoke creation,
The Word made Flesh.

Spirit who breathes life,
breathe new life into me
that I may hear the Word,
be healed of brokenness,
become one again with creator and cosmos
able to love
as you love me.
                                 Jan Savory, August 2009, Niagara Falls

Points to Ponder:

God isked rejection to get our love when he gave us free will. When have you risked rejuction for a greater reward?

 How can this story of creation be seen in your own life and experience? In what way are you a co-creator with God?


Holy one, as we live in your love, as we share in your creative work, may we never forget that you made us, healed us and are ever with us.

Monday 14 November 2011

Living in the Mystery of Faith: Part 1 – A Spiritual Crisis

I suffered a crisis of faith when my husband died. That is, on top of the trauma of losing a loved one, a part of myself.

What did I believe? Did I believe? Other people seemed so certain ...

Our Daughter had been staying with us before and after the death. Some years ago, she had been called to the Pentecostal  Church, believed the Bible literally and talked to God all the time – sometimes in that incomprehensible way known as Speaking in Tongues. She was so secure in her black and white faith.

 A close friend, a long time seeker, had been “born again” a couple of years earlier, and delighted in spending three to four hours every morning in prayer and Bible Study.  There was no room for discussion or doubt. "The Bible says it.  I believe it.  That settles it." 

I joined a Bible Study group consisting of my neighbours, and soon realized (like in the first 5 minutes) that they all had this undoubting black and white faith, ad with it a strong sense that God was with them and would protect them: as the Poet said “God’s in His heaven, All’s right with the World.”

But that didn’t make any sense to me.  I couldn’t believe as they did, I didn’t feel the presence of God as they did. All was not right with the world.

Prayer, reading the Bible, reading devotional books, worship in Church all seemed sterile. No feeling – numbness. Yes, I believed in a supreme being, but was he the wise old Grandfather up in Heaven of my Conservative Christian friends?  Was he a clockmaker God, who made and wound up the Universe and just let it run on its own? Where was the immanent God I used to believe in and pray to? Where was the Ground of my Being, to use Paul Tillich’s words? And where was Jesus?

Searching, I went on a retreat, where I told a wise Priest about my unbelief. At the end of the session, I started to cry, and through my tears, blurted out: “I don’t even know if I am a Christian anymore!”

Of all the probable responses, I would never have expected the one  got. “We have a course starting in the fall to train Spiritual Directors. Why don’t you enrol?” Rendered speechless, I let him pray for me and left.

So began a journey – or maybe the journey just continued. Who can say where we start? I researched the course, talked, very frankly with a spiritual director who had taken the course, discussed it with my own priest, prayed about it, and decided to enrol in the 2 year course. After all, what did I have to lose, apart from some time and money  worth it if I found my faith again.

All this time, I felt as if there was a wall between me and the rest of Humanity. In my grief and pain, I could not feel the joys or sorrows of others. I remember sitting on a hotel room balcony in Florida, reading alone because I didn’t want to join the crowd around the pool, feeling as if there was a glass panel between me and the rest of the world. Well, a glass panel was better than a brick wall.

The course taught me so much about faith. There was no blinding light, but I was with other people who were committed Christians, but didn’t need to see everything in black and white. It was OK to have shades of grey. I learned (or maybe relearned in some cases) that there are many ways to relate to God, many ways to pray, many paths leading to the Divine presence. But still I was in a glass bubble – yes the glass pane surrounded me and became my bubble.

The breakthrough came one day  quite unexpectedly. No, the glass did not break, But I had a vision. the glass bubble that surrounded me was not a sphere, but an egg a thin glass shell. God was telling me that out of this harsh and dark experience, I would be reborn.

It would make a good ending to this tale if I could point to the moment when the egg shell broke and a new me emerged, but it didn’t happen like that.

Slowly, things changed, I evolved. The egg vision was a turning point, but I was still journeying – I am still journeying. Life is a journey.

I now longer see myself constrained in a bubble or Glass egg.  I no longer try to understand God or have a single image of the Divine. it is enough to experience the transformation the risen Christ has made and continues to make in my life. The journey continues.

 The way I see God and myself will continue to change as I journey, but now I know that God travels with me,  that whatever happen. God loves me more than I could ever  dream of. I don’t need answers. I have learned to love living with questions, remembering that God is too vast for human understanding. A God I could understand would somehow be less than I am, and I don’t want that God.

The God I cannot understand holds me close – what more could I ask for?

Points to Ponder:

What have been the turning points in your faith journey? Can you see how God is working in you and with you?

How does the way you picture God impact the way you live?


Loving God, Mystery of Life, Give me the vision to see how you are working in my life, and the courage to walk with you along this path.