Tuesday 22 November 2011

God’s Word

The Word of God
spoke the universe into being
not too loud, not too quiet
just what was needed
to create matter.

Spirit, outside time, watched
as stars and planets formed.
You chose an insignificant place,
you breathed and there was life.

Nurturing life,
rejoicing in diversity,
mothering to maturity,
you guided it to ripeness,

With the arrival of humankind
came sentience,
             free will.

Your love was so great,
you wanted love in return.
Only free choice can love.

Freewill brought brokenness,
                                  pain and joy,
                                  hate and love.
Brokenness brought Jesus
The Word that spoke creation,
The Word made Flesh.

Spirit who breathes life,
breathe new life into me
that I may hear the Word,
be healed of brokenness,
become one again with creator and cosmos
able to love
as you love me.
                                 Jan Savory, August 2009, Niagara Falls

Points to Ponder:

God isked rejection to get our love when he gave us free will. When have you risked rejuction for a greater reward?

 How can this story of creation be seen in your own life and experience? In what way are you a co-creator with God?


Holy one, as we live in your love, as we share in your creative work, may we never forget that you made us, healed us and are ever with us.

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