Monday 5 December 2011


Cocooned in cold:
comfortless, companionless,
wintered in whiteness
frozen and alone.
I rest in a blanket of soft snow

The part of me outside the snowy grave
looks down in the light of the Son.
Pitying, praying.
Caressing away the gentle snow.

Revealing a cold, frozen mass
a mess  of mouldering, maggot filled emotions
frozen in a frigid, friendless grave.

I stare, helpless. But I am not alone.

The shining Son, warmth in whiteness, purity, melts the ice surrounding my heart.
Slowly, together we explore and expel each maggot, replace putrefaction with purity.

I stare, awed. Still I am not alone.

The part of me outside the grave
is now all of me, whole, unified,
rejoicing in the warmth of the Son.

Cocooned in compassion:
comfort-filled, companioned
Warmed in whiteness
Never alone.
I rest in a blanket of living love.

Note:  In dream interpretation, water represents emotion, and frozen water, snow or ice, represents a detatched or impassive state of frozen emotions.

Points to Ponder:
Have you been in the wilderness of frozen emotions, unable to feel anything, afraid to let yourself feel, afraid of beng hurt again?

What brought you to this state, and what helped you come out of this state, to be reborn as a new person?
What part of you had changed and grown as a result of this experience?


God of Love, when I am trapped in cold, comfortless and companionless, frozen and alone, send your warmth to melt the ice in my heart, so that I can again feel love and show compassion for others.

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